Dive Into The Divine

Often while I’m meditating my thoughts will drift off into the events of my day. Although I have learnt to observe these thoughts without judgement as the mind has a natural instinct to constantly wonder. Stopping the chatter can take continuous effort and sometimes becomes frustrating.

Then the ephiphany came to me to Dive into the Divine and find your inner source of love and peace. Here Is where I found the calmness of my mind and a place where I was filled with peace. This is the place where all our intensions are manifested and created and where we are truly connected to the universe.

It takes complete and total concentration to get there, and even more to stay there. But once you’re there you can begin to weave your manifestations. This is where I visualise my dreams and set my intentions.

After a bit of practice of Diving into the Divine, I am able to confidently and clearly set my intentions and desires to allow the manifesting process. I have now created a place within that I can easily come back to, where my visualisation lie and my manifestations weave into reality.

This technique has made planting the seeds of desire much easier for me. I am able to return to my place of intention whenever I please and can continue to get more excited about the details as I go. This allowed me to strengthen my dreams and nourish my desires.

I hope you can use this method to plant your own seeds and sow your dreams.

Keep Calm & Dream On
