Calming The Mind

5 Ways To Quickly Calm The Mind

In todays fast paced world our minds are flooded with information. Social media swarms our existence, our devices constantly feed us stories and worldly news.  Natural and unnatural disasters cycle through our minds over and over keeping our minds constantly engaged every minute of the day.

The mind can become so overwhelmed making it difficult to focus and manifest our desires.

Stop the mind clutter and insert your intention with these 5 Ways To Quickly Calm The Mind

  1. Focus On Your Breathe – Breathe in deeply, filling from your belly to the top of your head and breathing out from the top of your head to your belly. Repeat this until you Calm Your Mind. Now insert your intention and fixate on the vision or feeling. Try to stay in that state for as long as possible. Notice how you feel.
  2. Think about or focus on one specific thing. Once the focus is locked in analyse it for as long as it takes to Calm Your Mind.  Insert your intention and fixate on the desire. Notice how you feel.
  3. Step out into nature and really stop to smell the roses. Focus on the Devine beauty around you in all its glory. Look deeply into the tree, flower, rock, water or what ever you see, hear or smell and be absorbed with it until you Calm Your Mind. Insert your intention. Notice how you feel.
  4. Listen to soothing music without lyrics. Bathe in the softness and soulful sounds until you Calm Your Mind. Insert your intention. Bathe in that feeling of what it will be like to have your intention fulfilled. Notice how you feel.
  5. Write a phrase of a calm situation and repeat it 10-30 times until you Calm Your Mind. Write or visualise your intention. Notice how you feel.

If your mind wanders, kindly, without judgement, acknowledge that thought, and allow yourself to park that thought to come back to your intention. Relish in the feelings of your desired intention for as long as possible. Notice how you feel.

Remember your desire in your mind. Remember where you are and how you feel. By keeping this vision clearly in your memory, you can quickly come back into that desired state.

Keep Calm & Dream On
