Daily Dose Of Deliberate Intension

5 Reasons why we need to live with deliberate intentions

5 Reasons why we need to live with deliberate intentions

When I first started to want my desires to come into reality I felt I was all over the place.  I wanted this and I wanted that.  I could see what I wanted and then thought of other things that I wanted.  When I ponder on this I reminded me when I was a young girl  I loved to pick flowers. They all look and smell so beautiful and I would go around the garden and pick a variety of flowers.  I never realised that I didn’t give myself the change to actually look at any particular flower to really see the beauty in its creation, I just carried on picking and gathering.  Now that I am older and my attention span is longer hehe. I can fully appreciate the beauty in each flower I can see the way it has developed and grown, I can smell the fragrance form its centre and zone right into the core beauty of it.

I am using this small appreciation of creation to create the dreams I want to manifest through Deliberate Intention.  I am getting into the zone, getting my head in the right space. I can then and only then fully appreciate what picture I am wanting to put into my subconscious mind.  To fully see where I am what the actions are that I need to take and the outcome and how it can benefit myself and others.  Yes this does take time to fully see this in my mind.  And the more I can see this in my mental vision I can deliberately put my intentions into reality.  And let me tell you, If you take the time to train your mind you will get what you desire and just like me live your dream life.

To get started on Deliberate Intending may I suggest to start writing down all the things that you want and pluck out one at a time that you want to focus on.  Take yourself to a quiet place where you can calm your mind and give yourself the best possible change to fully put the picture clearly in your mind so each time you want to visualise it you can clearly bring back into your mind.  Then subtle changes will occur. When you recognise these subtle changes acknowledge them and appreciate them.  More will come.  Keep Going.
